The below work was produced in unreal during a timeframe of 6 weeks.

Scraps is a first person platformer about a kid and their bot's journey to survive in a post-war environment working as a 'Scrapper'.
Some of my concept art for 'BEPO bot'.
My three main game pillars are: exploration, mobility, and an ai companion. So, the majority of my work has been developing code which works towards those goals. I have succeeded in writing code which performs what I need - the next step is to refactor and focus on level design.

Grappling Function
Grappling Function
Pickup Function
Pickup Function
Climbing Function
Climbing Function
All of the above work was self-directed. For the climbing and grapple I used a line trace. 

Grappling Mechanic

grappling force

climbing loop

climbing interaction

The movement modes: crouching, running, walking, jumping, sliding are physics-based and handled through a macro. To avoid overloading the page I'll keep that off here and my blueprints may be looked through by downloading the Github files linked at the bottom of the page. (be warned, I haven't refactored yet). 

The AI bot was a headache to figure out. I went from trying to do it in the first person blueprint, to making a new player controller, and settled upon handling the swapping in the level blueprint. I was proud of this as I figured it out independently (though the method needs updating now). There were issues with the navmesh so I hotfixed it by teleporting the bot when it's out of bounds.
The bot is controlled with a simple moveto function and you can swap views by pressing 1. 

Bepo Following

Bepo Swap Function

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